Blessed Trinity is committed to a positive policy of encouraging pupils to attend school regularly and maintain a pattern of good attendance throughout their school career. The school works in partnership with parents/carers, Local Authority and other relevant services to secure this aim.
Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential.
Parents/carers must ring in to school to report a child absence even if they have put this information on Class Charts.
Below are just some of the key reasons why it is so important for children to attend school:
• To learn
• To have fun
• To build friendships
• To experience new things in life
• To develop awareness of other cultures, religion, ethnicity and gender differences
• To achieve
• To gain qualifications
• To develop new skills
• To build confidence and self-esteem
What is acceptable attendance?
Blessed Trinity expects all pupils to aim for 100% attendance.
At Blessed Trinity we recognise good attendance and punctuality with various rewards and trips throughout the year.
98% + attendance is regarded as good and should be achieved with an average amount of illness.
If your child’s attendance falls below 95%, we will inform you.
If your child’s attendance falls below 90%, this is classed at persistent absence (PA) and school will request a meeting to discuss the reasons why the child’s attendance continues to be below the expected minimum. Any attendance level that creates a cause for concerns would require intervention by the school. We will of course work with you to help ensure improvements are made.
Each day we have a choice to be late or on time.
Lateness means we lose valuable learning time and the sanction is a school lunch time detention. Refusal means your child will be internally excluded the next day.
Repeated lateness (3 lates in a week) will result in a meeting with the attendance officer and parents/carers and further internal sanctions.
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please contact the school number and press Option 1 to speak with our Attendance team as soon as possible.
Parents/carers must ring in to school to report a child absence even if they have put this information on Class Charts.
If your child feels unwell whilst in school, they must inform their teacher, form tutor or any other staff member if not in a lesson. They must not contact home in the first instance. We have a Safeguarding policy and procedure that we must adhere to and ask for your co-operation in this matter.
Medical Appointments
If your child needs to leave school to see the doctor or dentist for example, you must either send a letter/appointment card or update ClassCharts. Ideally these appointments should try to be arranged outside of school hours.
Family Holidays
You can demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by not taking holidays during term time. In each academic year there are only a maximum of 190 statutory school days. Holidays taken during term will be categorised as an unauthorised absence and subject to a penalty fine.
Why is high attendance important and how can parents/carers help?
As a parent/carer you want the best for your children, as does the Blessed Trinity Community.
• Establish a good routine in the mornings and evenings so your child is prepared for the school day ahead.
• Ensure your child arrives at school on time – not late. The school day starts at 8.45am.
• Always inform school if your child is absent – either via ClassCharts or the school telephone number (then press option 1).
• Arrange dental and medical appointments outside of school hours when possible.
• Talk to your child about school and take an interest in their school work.
• Discuss any problems or difficulties with school – we are here to help and will be supportive
Attendance at a glance for Parents and Carers
We would like all pupils to attend school more than 98% + of the time. High attendance and punctuality are linked to achieving academically.
Pupils can access the school site from 8.30am. The school bell rings at 8.35am for all pupils to come into school, ready to start for 8.45am (with Magic Breakfast available for all pupils). Pupils will receive a late mark if they are not in their form room by 8.45am. There is an interim buffer period of 6 mins to allow for prayer/registration/uniform checks and notifications. Pupils arriving into school after this time must sign in with the Attendance Team. The School register will close at 10.00am. Any pupils arriving after this time without a good reason (E.g. medical appointment) will receive an ‘unauthorised absence’ (mark ‘U’ in the register).
A fixed penalty notice for non-attendance may be issued in cases of unauthorised absences. The circumstances in which a fixed penalty notice for non-attendance will be issued include:
• Parentally condoned absence
• Unauthorised leave
• Unwarranted delay return form authorised leave
• Persistent late arrival after the register has closed.
• Each case will be considered individually
Your continued support with attendance and punctuality is always appreciated.