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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Pupil Counselling service

Mr Rizwan Rehman

Our counsellor is Rizwan Rehman. Blessed Trinity Pupil Counselling service provides the opportunity for young people about things that are concerning them in confidence, without being judged, to help them work through these problems and the feelings that surround them. What is spoken about depends upon the individual but may be concerning problems at home or at school, stress, relationships, change, loss and distressing or traumatic events. Counselling provides support which can benefit emotional well-being, behaviour and performance in school, at home and in relationships.

Pupils can be helped to work through and make sense of their feelings and issues they face, make choices and understand things differently. It can also help enable pupils to move on from painful issues, access personal resources in times of crisis and develop coping skills. Counselling can provide an opportunity for them to explore issues in a safe and confidential environment.

Sessions are weekly and are held in a private room and usually last for around 40 minutes to an hour. Appointment times are varied so that time is not lost from any one subject. Counselling may be for a few sessions, or longer term depending on the needs of the young person and this is reviewed regularly.

Pupils are usually referred via their year leaders and pupil panel and the counsellor will work with the young person to see what their needs are and how they will best work together. There are many different ways in which young people can be supported in working through their feelings and the counsellor will work with the pupil in ways that best suit them. 


Mental Health First Aiders

Level 3 Supervising first Aid for mental health:

Miss L Place

Level 2 Award in First Aid for Mental Health:

Rebecca Wiseman

Louise Place 

Helen Tyson

Patrick Martin

Rifat Parveen


Mental Health Support Teams (Schools)
East Lancashire Child & Adolescent Service (ELCAS):