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Blessed Trinity Library – Read, research, learn.


Blessed Trinity’s school library offers access for all pupils during break and lunch and is available for private study and reading. At the beginning of a new school year all pupils are inducted into the use of the library. They can then borrow books from the school library. Pupils can take out books and keep them for a period of two weeks. If you need the books any longer the loan period can be extended for a further two weeks.


Reading for Pleasure

Our school library plays an integral part in our drive to improve reading across the school. With almost 3,000 titles available, the pupils can browse and read fiction and non-fiction books covering a wide range of topics, featuring diverse characters and exploring a variety of issues that interest young people. Pupils visit the library to borrow a book and engage in their own choice of private reading.

The school library supports both pupils and departments by providing not only relevant resources to support the curriculum but a challenging and supportive environment to stimulate, maintain and develop a lively and enquiring mind and an enjoyment in reading. All pupils should have a reading book with them at all times, and are encouraged to read at least three books each half term. The importance of regular reading is encouraged at Blessed Trinity through form time, reading lessons and reading opportunities in all lessons. We encourage our pupils to have the confidence to read aloud in lessons, to help develop their speaking and comprehension skills.

Library Lessons

All pupils in Years 7 and targeted sets in Years 8 & 9 partake in fortnightly library lessons as part of the English curriculum.



Mrs Arcangelo is our school librarian and is available for any guidance and support. There are also opportunities to support the school community by becoming a pupil librarian or Reader Leader. Please ask Mrs Arcangelo for further information.



The library stocks a wide range of resources including books by popular children’s authors and many information books to help with research and homework. We also provide access to the internet in a safe and controlled environment. Our dedicated librarian, Mrs Arcangelo is available to help with any queries or concerns as you use your school library.


Accelerated Reader

All our Accelerated Reader books can be easily identified by the blue AR label at the top of the spine.

These books have a sticker inside the cover showing the interest level (MY – Middle Years, UY – Upper Years), the book level, points and quiz number for the book.

You can search the Accelerated Reader Booklist for books by interest level, subject or book level:


Accelerated Reader Booklist

The Blessed Trinity Accelerated Reader Booklist can be accessed from either from home or school at:

Please enter the Keycode: ZW631574

In school please use the College Intranet where you will find shortcut buttons to access the following resources:

  • Blessed Trinity Library Catalogue
  • Accelerated Reader
  • AR Bookfinder

If you need help using Accelerated Reader, please contact Mrs Arcangelo.

Our School dog:

Meet Maisy, Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic College’s school companion. 

Maisy, aged six, is a Pomapoo and belongs to school librarian Melanie Arcangelo. 

She comes into school once a week and loves it! Pupils read to her in the library and she just looks at them and listens.

She also comes on our Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. She is a calming influence on many pupils and she is such a friendly, loving dog that everyone looks forward to seeing her.