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BTRCC places a strong emphasis upon the importance of homework throughout all years within the school.  Homework is a vital part of the pupils’ learning experience and leads to better outcomes.  On average, homework can lead to five months additional progress (Education Endowment Foundation 2017).  By completing homework, our pupils are increasing their resilience and ability to study independently. 

Purpose of Homework

  • To enhance the learning process and provide additional opportunities for study.
  • To provide opportunities to develop independent research skills.
  • To provide opportunities to use, consolidate and revise the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom.
  • To reinforce positive attitudes towards school work.
  • To develop pupil confidence and motivation.
  • To enhance the partnership between home and school.

Guidance on the setting and duration of homework

  • All homework is set online using Class Charts.   Teachers will upload the details on the homework, including the nature of the task and instruction for it’s completion and due date in accordance with the homework timetable set for each year group.  The teacher will inform the class that homework has been set and give verbal guidance on how to complete the task.  Homework should be clearly labelled to distinguish work from classwork i.e. HW
  • Each pupil has a personal class charts account that allows them to view their personal homework calendar.  This shows pupils what tasks have been set, how long to the deadline for each task and allows them to access any attached resources.
  • Parents and carers are also allocated a login to allow them to support their child’s organisation and completion of homework.
  • Pupils that do not have access to the internet at home can use computers in the library and lunchtimes and after school during Homework club.  There are printers available to print homework and any worksheets attached.


All subject teachers should set homework for all their classes and all pupils should complete it.

Homework should be set in accordance with the following guidelines:


Core subjects

All other subjects

Per Evening

Years 7 - 9

1 hour per fortnight

30 mins per fortnight

1 .5 hours

Years 10 & 11

1 hour per fortnight

45 mins per week

1.5- 2 hours


The Planning and Nature of Homework Tasks

Homework should be set to advance pupil progress and support ongoing class work or to review of prior learning.

Homework tasks should:

  • Be relevant, meaningful and set for a purpose.
  • Not be used regularly for ‘finishing off’ classwork and this places too much demand on some pupils whilst to little demand for others.
  • Be manageable for staff in terms of marking and work load.
  • Used to help pupils remember more and should be linked to knowledge organisers or learning journeys. This could be in the form of low stakes retrieval quizzing. Knowledge retrieval in these quizzes can also be spaced and from previous topics in order to make stronger mental models.
  • Be relevant and purposeful for the subject/ curriculum area.
  • Pupils will be set homework which supports the whole school focus of independence and metacognition. This style of homework will begin in October after whole school staff CPD.