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Future Aims

Our Year 11s have worked hard and have shown superb determination, maturity and resilience.

After completing their GCSEs we asked a few to come back and talk to us about their aims for the future.

Owen has had his future mapped out from being a youngster – he wants to be a solicitor. 

“I want to go to Burnley College and do A-Levels in Law, Sociology and English Language. Ever since I was young, I have wanted to be a solicitor and have never changed from that. 

“It’s always been my passion to be a solicitor in criminal law, I guess it comes from watching tacky law programmes when I was younger!

“I have enjoyed my time at Blessed Trinity. The teachers have been really helpful, even giving up their weekends to help with our GCSE revision.” 


Ella wants to take her love of playing the guitar further. 

She will go to St Christopher’s Sixth Form next to study A-Levels. 

“I want to study Music as I have played the guitar for quite a few years, I enjoy playing a mixture of everything really.

“I also want to do Spanish, I enjoyed the subject at Blessed Trinity and am going to Spain this year. 

“I also want to study Business as well. At Blessed Trinity the people have made it, I have made a lot of friends.” 


Luke also has his future planned – he aims to be an engineer in aerospace. 

“I want to go to Nelson and Colne College and study A-Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. 

“I have enjoyed Maths at Blessed Trinity and I chose Nelson and Colne College because Maths is taught to a high standard there. 

“I have always fancied being an engineer in aerospace as my career. 

“I have enjoyed my time at Blessed Trinity, especially the after-school GCSE revisions sessions where we got free pizza!” 


Footballer Millie is signing for Burnley Women but is also concentrating on a big career in surgery. 

Goalkeeper Millie has played for Burnley and Lancashire while at Blessed Trinity and now will make the switch to Burnley Women with the seniors. 

She is also concentrating on her career where she is aiming for the top. 

“I want to go to Nelson and Colne College and study Maths, Further Maths, Biology and Chemistry. 

“I wanted to be a doctor initially but I looked into it more and I want to be a surgeon – a neurosurgeon. 

“It all interests me. I like science and studying the human body so it fits together. 

“Blessed Trinity has been good – I have learnt a lot but also had a laugh with the teachers and my friends.”