Presentation of Awards

Councillor Afrasiab Anwar MBE was the special guest at our Presentation of Awards.
Last year’s Year 11s returned to collect their GCSE certificates and special awards.
Cllr Anwar, who used to work at Blessed Trinity as part of the Sports Partnership, talked to the former pupils about his life growing up in Burnley and his achievements.
“Working at Blessed Trinity shaped a lot of who I am as a person, it was a massive part of my journey,” said Cllr Anwar.
“One of the key things was faith. I was a Muslim in a Catholic school and there was a prayer every morning and that made my faith stronger. People can try and cause divisions but it’s important to respect each other, show kindness and make sure everyone of any faith gets on with each other.
“It’s also important to be the best you can be and always give your best. You will make mistakes along the way but it’s important to learn from them and overcome any challenges.
“It’s also vital to surround yourselves with good people – parents, teachers and friends – who are there to guide you.
“Also be proud to be from Burnley as it’s made you the person you are.
“I grew up in one of the poorest areas in the borough, went through the school system, and then I was stood in front of the Queen receiving an MBE for services to Burnley. If little old me can do it anyone can.
“Lastly, stand up for what you believe and strive for peace.”
Awards were presented by Cllr Anwar for each GCSE and BTEC subject and for outstanding GCSE results and progress overall.
The Attainment Award was given to Rianna MacMahon-Sethi while the Progress Award was presented to Veronica Didicova.
The Contribution to Community college trophy was awarded to Jacob Williams, who was Deputy Head Boy, a Youth Leader, a Senior Mission Leader and took part in the Duke of Edinburgh, among others.
The Contribution to College Life award was given to Yumna Ifikhar who was a Senior Prefect, a Mission Leader, involved with the Duke of Edinburgh and ‘Girls with Goals.’
The Specialist College Sports Award was presented to Oliwia Kaczmarek, a World, European and GB kickboxing champion.
The Specialist College Humanities Award was presented to Lucy Balmbra, who achieved a Grade 9 in History and a Grade 8 in Geography.
Matthew McKeating won the Contribution to College Faith Life Award. He was a Mission Leader, organised charity work, planned liturgies in school as well as leading the Eco-Group, presenting his vision for the school with Bishop John Arnold.
The Endeavour Award was awarded to Lewis Catterall for overcoming a number of personal challenges to achieve strong GCSE results.
The Sporting Commitment Award was given to Kyle Keating, a Sports Ambassador who volunteered and helped whenever he could.
Headteacher Mrs Williams said: “It was absolutely joyous to see last year’s year 11 back in school. At Year 7 we told them to be the best they can be and they have, they have been an extremely successful year group, who are always part of the Blessed Trinity family.”