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Thumbs up from Year 7s

“It’s a great school, it’s brilliant, I love it.”

This is glowing praise from Leo in Year 7 who was one of the new intake who talked about how they have enjoyed their first half-term at Blessed Trinity.

Leo continued: “It’s the best in every way. The teachers are helpful, the lessons are great. I enjoy PE and Geography.

“It’s been the best year for me as I have just been scouted for Burnley’s Academy Under 12s level as well!”

Assistant Headteacher Mrs Kelly said: “Our new Year 7s have had a fantastic start to life at Blessed Trinity. It all started with our Summer School which was full of pupils experiencing PE, Maths, Science and DT each day.

“Since starting, our Year 7s have been involved in everything school life has to offer. They had a special extra-curricular fair.

“We had an external assembly with 'street-wise' coming in to speak to Year 7s all about road safety.

“Pupils also had the annual BAE Roadshow in school and we held a special 'drop-in' session for Year 7 parents for any queries.

“Several Year 7s volunteered at Open Evening which shows fantastic confidence, they have taken part in competitive sports such as cross-country and there’s a Retreat soon.”

Year 7 Lacey said: “I like the teachers, I’ve enjoyed meeting new people.
My favourite lessons are Science, Maths and Performing Arts. I am very happy.”

Aronas said: “I like everything, I have made new friends and have new opportunities. There are lots of extra-curricular events.”

Konstantina said: “I love the lessons, and enjoy RE and English the most.”

Archie added: “I like the teachers, especially my RE teacher Mrs Fleming. It’s exciting, I have made a lot of new friends and have joined a number of clubs.”