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Sergeant Erin

Year 10 Erin could soon be on the Burnley beat as she gains the qualifications to hopefully join the police force. 

Erin has just become a Sergeant in the Police Cadets. 

“I started around two years ago and go every Tuesday to the cadets. 

“We learn about different roles in the police and every week there is a different topic. 

“I have just sat my Sergeant test for the cadets. It was tough as I had to apply, write an application and then have an interview. Quite a lot of people applied but I felt I had done ok in the interview. 

“I was happy to become a Sergeant and now I will have my own table to lead, so I will lead around six-eight cadets. 

“My interest in the police came about as my dad became a PCSO and I enjoyed hearing all his stories and I decided that’s what I wanted to do. He is very proud of me being made a Sergeant.”