Headteachers Letter October 2024
To the Community of Blessed Trinity
Dear Parents / Carers,
Before we finish for our first half term, I wanted to thank you all for your continued support. It has been a busy seven weeks, however so many positive things have happened where we have celebrated pupil achievements and successes.
Please click into the link at the bottom of the page to see our first Autumn Newsletter. We are very proud of all of our young people.
We also welcomed all our new year 7 pupils and their families. Welcome to the Blessed Trinity Community. Transition has been thorough and successful and we thank all of you who attended either the parent drop in or mini Progress Evening. We value your support.
Any pupils who are entitled to free school meals should now have received their voucher for over the holidays. If not please contact Mr Magee who will be able to help with any enquiries (MMagee@btrcc.lancs.sch.uk).
Year 11 parents, you have been sent a detailed letter and revision materials from Mrs Robinson, Assistant Headteacher. We thank you for your support in preparing our young people for their upcoming mock examinations.
School will reopen on Monday 28th October. Please continue to support us by encouraging your child/children to be on time and to be aiming for 100% attendance in the following eight weeks in the lead up to Christmas.
“Stay with us Lord on our journey”
Yours sincerely
Deborah Williams (Mrs)