Humanities Curriculum Intent
The aim of the Humanities Faculty is to encourage the pupils to become the best they can be by inspiring curiosity and wonder of the dynamic world we live in and our place within it.
Pupils are encouraged to develop an empathy with, and understanding of, people and places from the past, the present and the future both in this country and the wider world.
Pupils become informed, critical citizens who are able to analyse/question the wealth of information available to them in the modern world. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted, so they become thoughtful, active citizens who have an understanding of different communities and faiths.
Pupils learn to recognise bias, evaluate arguments and look for alternative interpretations and sources of evidence to reach informed conclusions and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they face now and in the future. Above all, pupils will become young people who can appreciate the role and purpose they have in the world, and appreciate that the life they live is a gift, much greater than many people living both in the past and the present, therefore understanding the stewardship and responsibility they possess to make our world a better place.
By the end of key stage 3
• Pupils will have the knowledge and skill set to garner meaning from the world around them.
• Pupils will understand where they come from, who they are, and what they and others believe so that they can live as successful members of society.
• Pupils will gain a broad and rich knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
• Pupils will be able to communicate their ideas confidently.
•Pupils will be able to make links between History and Geography to understand how the past influences our present and future.
• Pupils will learn and appreciate the challenges of people living in different areas of the world and different time periods, to gain perspective on the challenges they personally face.
The Humanities Team
Mr J. Harwood – Curriculum Leader
Miss E. Wilkinson
Miss G. Butler
Mr M Ridehalgh
Mr M. Hughes
Mrs R. Parveen
Mr S. Gould
Mrs R. Erasmus
Mrs J. McCue
Mr M. Snowden
Mr R. Parker
Mr. S. Tasker
Curriculum Overview
Please use the links below to access the Curriculum Overview