Key Stage 4
GCSE Religious Education
This course follows the Eduqas GCSE in Religious Education (Route B) specification, which consists of three examinations:
Component 1: Foundational Catholic Christianity
- Origins and Meaning
- Good and Evil
Component 2: Applied Catholic Christianity
- Life and Death
- Sin and Forgiveness
Component 3: Beliefs and practices of Judaism.
Religious Education is part of and supports the ministry of the word with a particular focus on liturgical celebration.
A central part of the curriculum is to raise awareness of those who are vulnerable in both our local and global communities and this awareness is complemented and enhanced by a thriving cycle of charitable fundraising events.
Throughout the course, pupils are given opportunities to explore and consider their own beliefs and faith as well as the faith of those belonging to other world religions. Both Classwork and Homework activities seek to address a range of different skills, including research, ICT, group work, oral presentation, research and analysis.
RE is a respected humanities GCSE subject and therefore of interest and value to employers.