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Physical Education

Curriculum Intent

The purpose of PE and School Sport at Blessed Trinity is that all our pupils participate in and learn from meaningful and relevant physical activity which improves their physical competence and wellbeing today and for life. At Blessed Trinity we place the needs of the learner at the heart of the offer and use the vehicle of sport and physical activity to develop transferable life skills.

As a department we believe physical education is more than just being good at sport, physical education creates opportunities for pupils to develop their ‘Head, Heart and Hands’.


Assessment in PE

At Blessed Trinity we place the needs of the learner at the heart of the offer and use PE and School Sport as a tool to develop pupils physically, emotionally and socially.


Extracurricular activities

As part of our work in developing healthy active lifestyles we have a significant number of extracurricular activities opportunities which allow pupils to further develop their physical, social and mental well-being and to compete at the highest possible level.

A programme of extra-curricular activities is published each half-term.

Activities offered include athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, cross-country, dance, dodgeball, football, fitness, table tennis, tennis, netball, rugby, rounders, and cricket.


Level 1

Intra form competitions / school sports day

Level 2

Inter-school competitions at a local, regional and national level / Inclusive events in partnership with Burnley School Sport Partnership

Level 3

Lancashire School Games – County Final Events


School Games Mark

We are delighted to announce that Blessed Trinity RC College have achieved the School Games Silver Mark Award. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

With many young people competing in local inter-school competitions this year, we are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible.


Youth Sport Trust Member School

As a member school we use the vehicle of sport and physical activity to help deliver crucial life lessons around healthy living and social development, as well as core values such as tolerance and mutual respect, which are all vital for the creation of well-rounded young people, ready for the challenges of the next stage of their lives.

We are also currently involved in the Lancashire Active Healthy Minds Project


Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Blessed Trinity is one of the largest providers of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

For more information about the bronze and silver awards please contact Miss L. Place.


Physical Education Team

Mr N. Stubbs (Curriculum Leader PE & Sport)

Miss C. Schofield (Assistant Curriculum Leader PE & Sport)

Mr J. Kelly (Progress Leader Year 7)

Miss L. Place  (Leadership and Character development lead)

Mr M. Holding

Miss K. Robinson

Mrs J. Hands

Mr J. Hudson


Curriculum Overview

Please use the attachment below to access the Curriculum Overview