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Safeguarding Support

School Support Offer

At Blessed Trinity we pride ourselves in the support and interventions we offer our pupils. We have various in school services we can offer your child, these include:

Form Tutors

Pupils will see their form tutor at the beginning of every day. They will ensure your child is equipped and ready to learn for the day. Form tutors oversee the academic progress and overall wellbeing of pupils in their form group.

Year Leader

Year leaders will oversee the academic progress of all pupils in their year group. Year leaders will also ensure pupils are supported for their emotional and well-being needs where appropriate. Year leaders will also liaise with other staff in school and parents.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Pupils with SEND needs are supported by the SEND team and the SENDCo. The SENDCo will ensure pupils with SEND are able to access the learning in the classroom and make progress.  

Learning Support

Learning support is where all the teaching assistants are based. The area provides a space for SEND pupils to regulate or access interventions. Learning support also provides a quiet space for pupils at break and lunch times.

Exam Access

Some pupils are allocated exam access arrangements for exams and assessments. Identified pupils will be screened and then access will be verified by an external assessor.

Careers Advice

BTRCC have an in house careers advisor who provides 1:1 careers interviews, advice and guidance. Work experience and mock interviews are also organised for year 10 pupils in the summer term.

Nurture Provision

Some pupils are allocated support via the nurture provision. This could include group interventions or 1:1 sessions. The nurture teacher will provide support at break and lunch times.

School Counsellor

The counsellor can support pupils who are struggling with mental health such as; anxiety, low mood, trauma or bereavement. Support is allocated via self-referral or through head of year.

School Nurse Drop-In’s

The school nurse is currently in school every Monday for drop in sessions. The school nurse can offer health advice and support.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Mentor (BFC)

BTRCC have a mental health and wellbeing mentor allocated through Burnley Football Club in the Community. Low intensity CBT is offered through 1:1 sessions for pupils struggling with low mood and anxiety. Support is allocated via self-referral or through head of year.

Attendance Officer

The school attendance officer will oversee all pupils’ attendance. Home visits, meetings and support will take place when required.

Support for Pupils with Parents in Prison

Blessed Trinity is hoping to begin supporting children with parents or other loved ones in prison more effectively. This may be through group work sessions, 1-1 sessions or external visitors. If you feel this may benefit your child, please get in touch with or call school on 01282 506200 to see what we as a school can offer to your family. 

Links for Parents and Carers

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Children and Family wellbeing service

Children and Family Wellbeing Service – What’s On Guide – Burnley, See the attachments at the bottom of the page 


Alumina - Self Harm Online Support






Home Start


Safenet – Domestic Abuse Services


Burnley Together



Links for Pupils




Young Minds




New Era Burnley







Anxiety UK